
Naturally, it's Thursday.

Progress on the sock is coming along swimmingly, pictures will soon follow, but I thought that in the meantime I'd show what fantastic sights I saw today!  I went hiking out in the Columbia River Gorge, and this is what it looks like!
It was just the perfect day to be out and about and the waterfall is just an added superbonus, I supposed, until I stumbled upon these beauties...

Ripened to perfection in the middle of nowhere. Just how nature likes to do it best.

There is jam in my future... for sure.


Monday, Monday

Hello there,
I'm Em. I feel that a bit of introduction is necessary before I just dive head first into this.  I have always loved creating.  First it was crayons, then string, I graduated to fabric and scissors, beads came next, glitter and glue for one hot and glorious moment, photos were taken for a bit, back to fabric: this time with a machine, and then I met yarn.  Oh my, instantly it was a love affair.  We've been involved ever since. Five years and stash growing strongly.  Albeit, too strongly at times, but hey, who's keeping track really?  

I live in Portland, which is brilliant.  Too much good food. Too many beautiful people. Too much amazing yarn. Sometimes too much rain.

Wanna see what's on my needles today?
In honor of Ravelry's Sock Knitters Anonymous' infamous "Sockdown!" 2012 kickoff, I'm whippin up a pattern for the occasion.  The challenge for September is everyone knits with red, and I've been itching to write patterns now for a bit, as I have accumulated a significant amount of knitting reference books. It's really only fair that they get cracked open once in a while. So with a little help from my friends, a skein of this beautifully shiny Berroco Ultra Alpaca (which by the way is shockingly inexpensive for how ritzy it knits up), and some gusto out of the gates, here goes nothing.